Consuming Chinese Cinemas in the 21st Century

Funded by the Leverhulme Trust’s International Networks scheme, the project “Chinese Cinemas in the 21st Century: Production, Consumption, Imagination” aims to promote new ways of thinking about the study of Chinese cinemas by bringing together established scholars into a dynamic network that crosses disciplinary boundaries, drawing expertise from film studies, media and communications, comparative literature, and cultural studies. The Network provides a unique opportunity to forge links not just between individual scholars but also leading research centres and institutions, thereby laying the foundation for world-class collaborative research.


  • Song Hwee Lim (University of Exeter, principal investigator)
  • Michelle Bloom (University of California, Riverside)
  • Kenneth Chan (University of Northern Colorado)
  • Gaik Cheng Khoo (Australian National University)
  • Jeroen de Kloet (University of Amsterdam)
  • Kai Khiun Liew (Nanyang Technological University)
  • Kien Ket Lim (National Chiao Tung University)


  • Exeter (“IMAGINATION”, July 2012)
  • Amsterdam (“CONSUMPTION”, January 2013)
  •  Singapore (“PRODUCTION”, June 2013)
  • Taiwan (Symposium, December 2013)

The Network is supported by a Facilitator, Christine Boyle, who can be contacted at

Consuming Chinese Cinemas in the 21st Century

Following the success of the launch conference in Exeter in July 2012, the events in the Netherlands bring the network partners and other interested parties together to examine the ways in which Chinese films are consumed. The events begin with a full-day workshop at the University of Amsterdam to explore questions about and methodologies for researching film consumption, particularly the role of film festivals. Participants then relocate to the International Film Festival Rotterdam and convene with film festival programmers and film directors to discuss how certain Chinese films are distributed, exhibited, received, and consumed in different contexts and locales.

Some preliminary questions framing the investigation include:

  • Who consumes Chinese films and why?
  • What role do film festivals play in the circulation and consumption of transnational Chinese cinema?
  • How has the mode of consumption of films changed with the advent of digital technology and the Internet?
  • How can we understand the function of emotion and cognition in the reception of films?

Programme: Consuming Chinese Cinemas Workshop, Wednesday 23rd January, University of Amsterdam

Please join us for this Leverhulme Trust International Networks workshop.


University Library, Singel 425, Amsterdam

Session 1   (9:30-11:45, De Doelenzaal, University Library) 

Chair: Jeroen de Kloet (University of Amsterdam)

– Welcome: Jeroen de Kloet (University of Amsterdam)

– Introduction to the Project: Song Hwee Lim (University of Exeter)

– Keynote address: Professor Julian Stringer (University of Nottingham) “The Consumption of Chinese Cinema at International Film Festivals: Three Propositions”

Session 2   (11.45-13.00, Belle van Zuylenzaal, University Library)

Chair: Maghiel van Crevel (Leiden University)

–  ‘The Fraternal Noir’, Kien Ket Lim (National Chiao Tung University)

– ‘Science and Spirituality in Darren Aronofsky’s The Fountain’, Tarja Laine (University of Amsterdam)

– ‘The Global Circulation of Moving Images in the 21st Century: Some Preliminary Thoughts on the China-India Connection’, Alexandra Schneider (University of Amsterdam)

Session 3   (14:00-15:45, Belle van Zuylenzaal, University Library)

Chair: Song Hwee Lim (University of Exeter)

– Keynote address: Professor Patricia Pisters (University of Amsterdam) “Madness, Miracles, Machines – Living in a delirious world without walls”

Session 4   (15:45-17:00, Belle van Zuylenzaal, University Library) 

Chair: Kenneth Chan (University of Northern Colorado)

Roundtable discussion on Film Festival Research:

– Cindy Wong (City University of New York – Staten Island)

– Elena Pollacchi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice & Venice International Film Festival)

– Ruby Cheung (University of St Andrews, UK & United International College, Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University, China)

– Skadi Loist (University of Hamburg)

Programme: International Film Festival Rotterdam, Thursday 24th January

(15:00-17:00, De Doelen, 4th floor, Kruisstraat 2, Rotterdam)

Roundtable discussion on Film Festival Programming

Chair: Gaik Cheng Khoo (Australian National University)

– Gerwin Tamsma (International Film Festival Rotterdam)

– Paolo Bertolin (Venice International Film Festival)

– Shelly Kraicer (Vancouver International Film Festival)

– Film director (tba)

Please contact Penn Ip at by 18 January if you wish to attend.

To visit the project website, please click here.